Why we will always support local, independent businesses in our community...

Why we will always support local, independent businesses in our community...

Everyone knows that independent businesses are vital to the local community, that is to say, we have heard it said so many times it has to be true.

But have you ever stopped to consider why this is the case and why it is important that we support and encourage owner run small businesses to set up shop in our local area, and spend money there to help them survive? Here are some of the reasons that independent business is so important, in case you were wondering.
Locally Produced
In the case of artisans all over the world, being able to sell their goods in the local community offers a community service. While they are valuable, large global chains mass produce everything, and we eat it up. Having something made by a member of your community is a delight and gives you the chance to have unique, beautiful items that really will not be available anywhere else.
Job Creation
A common gripe in any community is the lack of jobs, and again if you work for the man, one of the large shop chains, restaurants, and other service industries you will be a little cog in a giant wheel. Small independents offer local people the chance of employment in smaller teams where they can thrive and be able to work close to home. It means that more money stays in the local area as these owners and staff might well pop to local shops for lunch or other supplies during the day, and in return, people will visit them to spend.
A Sense of Identity
The internet might well have become one of our most valuable resources, but it has lead to the death of the high street as we know it. With the convenience of online shopping, people stopped visiting their local area, and this threatens the very survival of these excellent businesses. It is more expensive to run a business when you have brick and mortar premises, with rates and utilities to factor in, and for a while, it looked like every high street in the country was going to become a clone with only large chains able to afford to set up. Thankfully town and city initiatives have come together to ensure that smaller businesses can afford to take their place on the high street and we are seeing a return of diversity with small independent business creating unique shopping areas that are not replicated anywhere else. It is this diversity that helps each area create an identity and adds to the tourist trade that is also vital in keeping the local businesses fighting to see another day.
Close Knit Communities
Small business owners often get to know their customers and remember their names, this sense of community is another factor that seemed lost once the internet established as the easiest way to shop. Thankfully there is still a desire to belong to a community and owner run businesses are instrumental in making this happen.

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