Why am i not getting viewings on my house?

Why am i not getting viewings on my house?

It can be frustrating when you are trying to sell your home and you're not getting any viewings. You wouldn't buy a property without viewing it first, so it makes sense that you have no real chance of getting an offer without viewings. Our proven ‘3 P’s’ process will make sure that you have as many viewings as possible.

Why am I not getting viewings on my house?

It can be frustrating when you are trying to sell your home and you're not getting any viewings. 

You wouldn't buy a property without viewing it first, so it makes sense that you have no real chance of getting an offer without viewings.

When marketing your property, the aim is to get as many viewings as possible so that you have a higher chance of receiving an offer. It is a numbers game.

So, how can you entice someone enough to book a real-life viewing appointment after looking at your property online?

How can you tempt someone to take time out of their lives to come and view when everyone is busy and their time is very precious.

Our proven ‘3 P’s’ process will make sure that you have as many viewings as possible. Price, Promotion and Presentation!

Of course, you want to get as much money as possible for your property. But it is a delicate balance between pushing the price up to get a good offer and pushing it up too high so that you put off viewings. 

Be careful here and discuss the pricing options with your agent to make sure that you have the best strategy going forward. 

Buyers are given lots of information about property prices now, without having to go hunting for it, so the price you paid when you bought and the previous sales in your street will be shown as part of your property advertising. 

If you have extended and refurbished the property since you bought it, you need to show this so that the buyer can easily see why the value has increased.

If a property appears very expensive compared to how it looks in the photographs, you will likely struggle to encourage viewing appointments.

If you have pushed the price a little higher, make sure that your brochure reflects why your property is worth more than the average price in your area.

You have only a few seconds to grab the attention of a potential viewer. They scroll through the property websites in the same way that you scroll through social media - quickly!

Sure, there are search parameters in place, so they are not searching for every property in the whole country. Still, there are likely to be many suitable properties within their location, size, and price criteria. Your goal is to stand out the most from that list of potential properties. 

Of course, you can not appeal to everyone. There will always be different buyers looking for different kinds of property. But, thinking about your ideal purchaser - what do they want to see?

Your agent will have a list of applicants to call and tell them how wonderful your home is and how perfect it would be for them. But after that list of contacts has been reached, what next? 

Your online listing should be attractive and grab attention so that your property stands out from the crowd.

You know that your property should be presented well for viewers and the photoshoot to give the very best impression, but the presentation goes further than putting some flowers in the kitchen and fluffing the cushions. 

How is your property presented online?

Are your photographs bright and airy?

Do they reflect the very best of your home?

Do you have a floor plan? Statistically, 30% of purchasers have said they won't even look at a property listing if there is no floorplan, so you must have one.

Are you showing off the very best parts of your home? 

To grab the attention of the purchasers, mix up the listing a little. 

Use some arty shots, sometimes known as 'lifestyle' images, of a staged area in the garden with a blanket and a picnic basket or some other features in the property. 
Or maybe lead with an internal image rather than the front of the property. This can encourage further clicks on your photographs to see what the outside of the property looks like. 

Make the text into more of a headline - rather than listing the rooms or saying 'XXX estate agents are pleased to bring this property to the market…' 

It takes longer than 3 seconds to read this, so you will probably have lost that person unless your images are excellent and they do the attention-grabbing for you.

If getting the best price for your home is a numbers game, you need to attract the highest number of 'clicks' to funnel through a higher number of viewings. 

Get these things right, and you should see a steady stream of interested viewers that should soon lead to offers for your home. 

To find out how we can help you with your property sale and make sure that you get as many viewings as possible, give us a call.

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