Preparing your home for summer

Preparing your home for summer

As we step into spring, there are a number of things you can do to get your property and garden ready for the brighter months ahead.

Before you can get out and enjoy the brighter weather coming our way in a few months, there are a number of jobs that need completing around your home during spring. From garden work, cupboard prep and interior design revitalisation, take a look at this simple advice to get your home well and truly ready for summer.

  • Garden. After a long winter, it’s no surprise that your outside space will need tending too. Experts advise people to complete garden jobs year-round but for those who shut the door and forget about, spring is the ideal season to get outside and start the long list of chores. Begin by mowing the lawn, raking up any debris and cleaning down your garden furniture. Keeping this up weekly or even fortnightly will ensure you garden is a party paradise when the summer months arrive.
  • Decorating. If you’re considering redecorating then now is the time. Choose bright, uplifting colours and be sure to store away any winter accessories for another year. Swap checked cushions for floral prints and swap your duvet for a lighter feel.
  • Clean. Instead of dusting over the surfaces and wiping away the crumbs, complete your annual deep clean. Get in carpet cleaners, oven cleaners and more! Clean quilts and rugs, and touch up any paint jobs that need renewing.
  • Guest Room. As BBQ season will hit in a couple of months, prepare your guest room for those that want the party to continue. Ensure you have enough spare towels, additional pyjamas and why not keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in the drawer?
  • Clothes. Put your think jumpers and winter boots to the back of your wardrobe and swap them for your lighter items. When sorting, make 3 piles – bin, sell and keep – who knows, you might be able to make some extra cash.
  • Cupboard and freezer. If your freezer is full of winter meals, get them eaten and make space for ice creams, ice and lighter options. Similarly, sort out your food cupboards, removing items which are out of date and moving winter spices and products to the back.

In addition to this, if you are looking to move just in time for summertime,  now is the perfect opportunity to get in touch and see how we can help.



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