Embrace the unique opportunities of winter sales. Discover in this article how to stage your home to stand out in the market and create a warm, inviting atmosphere even in the grey, dreary weather.
When you consider that most homeowners plan and research for up to a year before they eventually take the plunge and put their homes onto the market for sale, it is little surprise that you will have come across blog post articles offering helpful hints and tips on how to present your home and maximise the potential sale price. We've all seen those articles suggesting decluttering and de-personalising our homes before we try to sell in an attempt to attract a buyer. Lots of advice points towards kerb appeal, such as staging the gardens to showcase how you can enjoy morning coffee and family BBQs.
And whilst this advice is absolutely correct, and using the photographs and marketing to showcase the lifestyle that your property could offer a new buyer, how does it play out if you are trying to sell during winter?
A cool, condensated jug of lemonade in the garden will not conjure the same response when it's raining. No one wants to sit outside and enjoy an early morning coffee when it is not getting light until after 8am. And fresh flowers in the kitchen can be jarring when the windows betray the wintery elements outside. So, how can you stage your home for sale in winter?
- Up the cosy factor - you can't do anything about the weather, but you can make your home a warm and welcoming place for your viewers to escape the cold. Light fires, candles, fairy lights, ambient lighting - whatever it takes to make your home feel cosy
- Underfloor heating? Make sure it is on so that when your viewers remove their shoes, their cold toes are greeted by lovely, warm floors.
- You can't make a garden grow in winter, but you can make the gardens neat and tidy, with external lights to light the way to the front door when your viewers may be viewing during dusk or gloomier days.
You can't do anything about the weather or the shorter days, but you can create a welcoming, warming beacon for viewers on a blustery wintery day.
Use your photography and marketing to highlight your home's best features, which can be done all year round. While the weather may pose challenges during the winter months, waiting for warmer days to sell your property is unnecessary.
Instead, use the shorter days and inclement weather to your advantage. You can easily utilise twilight imagery and cosy staged scenes - think of those images of 'Hygge' you see on social media with thick blankets draped over the arm of a sofa, hot mugs of coffee, lit fires and candles. You can also include ways that make your home feel warm and welcoming in the written description.
If you're considering selling your home, don't wait for spring. The property market at the start of the year is often bustling, regardless of the weather. Seize the opportunity and get in touch with our team to kickstart the process and sell your home this year.